Build the Workplace of Tomorrow

Free the human mind from the perils of uninspired everyday burden

Build Software Robots

Pass on the knowledge and skills to robots

Lead them to acquireskills of Understanding & precise decision making

Let the robots be the intelligent workerswithout faults and with greatest success

Benefits of having a Robot Workforce

Three key benefits of Intelligent Process Automation

85% Reduction

Process Cycle Time

Leverage faster processes to drive customer satisfaction and quicker time to market for new initiatives

4x Increase

Process Capacity

Scale critical processes without increasing expense for more cost efficient back office functions

80% Reduction

Resources Required

Free up critical resources to work on higher value-add projects rather than repetitive low-value tasks


The visualyze platform for creating intelligent automation

Robot Studio

Create intelligent Robots

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Robot Cloud

Your Automated workforce on the cloud

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Robot AI

Transfer Human Intelligence to Robots

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Document AI

Custom crafted document understanding skills for your automations

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No Programming, No scripting

Using the visual workflow builder develop intelligent
robots and train machine learning models - without writing any code.


Model your Workflows, In your own terms

Create complex workflows including data transformation and
business processes and publish them to the central automation


Integrated with all your business apps

Automate tasks that interacts with business apps and third party applications including SAP, Office 365, AWS, Gsuite and many more.

Bring your workforce to the cloud

The cloud automation repostitory and central robot management platfrom gives you the control you need over
an automated workforce that lives on the cloud.


Build, Share and collaborate

Use the robot developement platform to create and share robot workflows. Share created Al skills and process models among developers and robots.


Always encrypted data - at rest & transit

Data is encrypted using industry standard cryptographic algorithms and data security and privacy is ensured by continuous security checks and assessments.


Access audits, user roles and process

Get full awareness of the automation ecosystem from the audit reports and robot and user access logs. Monitor automated processes fusing the automation dashboards.

Build brains for your software, solve problems by understanding

Understand documents, images, text and business data from excel and csv

Learn from historical data, give robots the ability to predict what comes next

Build decision skills for robots from your own data

No code, no programming and absolutely no Python needed

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Technology Partners

Automation Resources


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